
白紙のページ - White Page -


土曜日の朝、OCFのコミティーミーティングのあと、 OCF Uni SA が企画した「祈り」についてのワークショップに参加した。ワークショップの中でスピーカーの人に5分、10分間目を閉じて神様が自分に何を語りかけようとしているのか耳をすまして聞いて見てくださいと言われ各自それぞれ”お気に入り”の場所を選んで言われるままに目を閉じ、耳をすましてみた。


用いてください 陶器師 主よ
共に歩み みちびいてください 
陶器師 主よ




For the sake of my friends that don't understand Japanese, I shall type some English in it...

A blank page. A white page that has nothing. We use these blank white papers in all sorts of way. Papers we see around us such as books and lecture notes all come from this blank piece of paper and texts, graphics and colors are added according to their purposes.

Yesterday morning, after committee meeting, I attended a "prayer" workshop organised by OCF UniSa. During the workshop, the speaker told us to take a few minutes and try listen to what God is trying you tell you now. So we took off to our "own space" and took a few minutes listening to God's callings.

A blank page. That's what I saw. At first I thought "huh? a blank page? why a blank page?". A while later the song "Potter's Hand" came into my mind.

Take me, mold me use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand

God, like a potter, molds our life. At that moment in me, I felt like God, like a artist, drawing each stage of my life and that the reason being a blank page is that its a new beginning. He gave me opportunities to serve in OCF this year as a BS leader and now as a committee. Thinking that "So, God is gonna start drawing my new life" makes me feel excited but scared at the same time. BUT, if it is God's plan and his Will, I will follow his plans.

Uni is starting tmr and its time to switch my mind back to reality and live for God's glory~!!

3 件のコメント:

Lin さんのコメント...

i guess aunty merrilyn was right, there were ppl who needed to hear what she had to share after all =)

Rejoice in Him always! ;)

I know I've said this alot of times I'm starting to sound like an old lady but I love this phrase too much:

There's always a blessing at the end of every wrong turn

I guess even if u take the wrong path, He'll eventually guide u to the right one!

Genieve さんのコメント...

that was what you were writing for sooo long.

but, i have to say, im impressed.

its good to know that God's ever working in our lives. and that we live just for him.

i hope that white, blank paper that you saw will be splashed with wonderful, glorious colour.

and that, you will allow yourself to be stretch as far as possible. i want to see a rainbow, awesome, glorious, yet humble vessel :)

..if you get lost in some way, send an SOS. We will be here.

esther さんのコメント...

i guess everything is said by gen and ee lin..

Just find this phrase quite meaningful:

"By GRACE through FAITH"
Have faith that God will paint your life the way he intended to, even before you were born.. And by grace, He will pull you through...

Enjoy your coming journey and hope to read an interesting chapter of your life! =)
God bless!