
Immunovirologist down

Check in to work at 1800hrs, non-stop working till 12am.
Temperature measured at 37.3 dc.
Increased H2O intake and Vitamin C to prevent further increase of temperature
* This prob caused my immune system to deteriorate which allowed invation of virus X
* Virus invasion and replication initiated

Woke up at approx 1130hrs again feeling extremely bad. Temperature measured at 38.5 dc.
Did nth but slept the whole day. Praying that the fever will subside a.s.a.p.
*Virus replicaiton and invasion at its peak. Immune system unable to handle and back up is being called in (increase body temp)

Praise God that he had brought the fever down to 36.2 dc.
Fever return at night at approx 37.2 dc.
* Immune system manages the virus and back up being called off in the morning.
* Back up being called to contain the situation at night

Fever subsided once again never to return for the time being
Coughing and runny nose to clean up the mess in the body
* Mucus trap and remove debris (i.e. dead virus etc) from the battlefield
* Well done immune system

(-O-)> salute to our many brave soldiers that fought and died for my body!

2 件のコメント:

Lin さんのコメント...


*salute* =P

esther さんのコメント...

OMG!!! *faints*